
Peaceful Summer Days

Monkshood and Bellflowers in my Alaskan garden.


Everybody needs beauty as well as bread,
a place to play in and pray in,
where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.
~ John Muir


  1. Hello dear Kim!
    I've missed you, my sister.
    How wonderful to know that you've enjoyed a beautiful summer in your neck of the woods.
    What a gorgeous photo you've shared today - is that what you see from your home?
    It's a magnificent picture of God's Beauty!!
    Lovely quote from John Muir too.
    I was watching a documentary about him just last week.
    So good to hear from you, Kim!
    Love and blessings to you in Jesus Christ..Trish xx

    1. Hello Dear Trish,
      So good to hear from you! Yes, I have been away too long, and have missed visiting my sweet bloggy friends. I have been busy at home (summer is like that for me), and this was my attempt to post a little something to my blog before summer is over.
      Yes Trish, I live by the ocean, and this is my front garden. It is beautiful, and a Gift from God.
      God bless you my Friend - I will be visiting you soon,

  2. Hello Friend! How wonderful to read your words once again :) Thank you for sharing such a wonderful quote.

    1. Hello Dear Maria,
      I really like this John Muir quote too! It's so true - God's beauty is good for the soul.
      I have so many lovely blogs to read back posts on - your blog is one of them. I will be visiting you soon!
      God bless,

  3. Dear Kim...such a pretty view! Thank you for sharing your peaceful summer days! Simple Blessings ♥ Teri

    1. Dear Teri,
      It's so good to hear from you. I hope you and your family have had a lovely, peaceful summer as well.
      Hugs and God bless,

  4. What a gorgeous picture Kim! God's beauty is just amazing, isn't it? I'd love to wake up to this view every morning! Beautiful flowers, water and a mountain. Just lovely! God Bless.

  5. Hello Noreen,
    My husband and I call it our little piece of Heaven . . . even on stormy winter days.
    God bless,

  6. Wow! God is such an amazing artist! Everything He makes is so beautiful and perfect in its own, unique way.

    Its sad to think the world is suffering but I find hope in that Christ will return and make everything right again.

